The BitcoinScript Interactive Shell

The easiest way to play around with the bitcoin scripting language is using an interactive shell.

BitcoinScript integrates with IPython, by adding a bunch of IPython-magics. This way, you can perform bitcoin-script operations inside a IPython session, while enjoying all the nice features of IPython.

note:The examples here use the automagic IPython setting, so they don’t require a %-prefix before each magic call. If you don’t use automagic, you’d need to add the %-prefix as required.

Starting the Interactive Shell

Start an IPython session, and activate the BitcoinScript magics by importing

% ipython3
> import
*** BitcoinScript shell magics are Enabled. Enter `%Shelp` for more details. ***

Alternatively, you can load the BitcoinScript magics explicitly when starting ipython:

% ipython3 -i bitcoinscript/
*** BitcoinScript shell magics are Enabled. Enter `%Shelp` for more details. ***

To find the path to pass to ipython’s -i option, run:

python3 -c 'import; print('

Interactive Shell Example

A simple example, for the challange of finding the hash-preimage of c0b057f584795eff8b06d5e420e71d747587d20de836f501921fd1b5741f1283:

% ipython3

### Activate BitcoinScript magics:

> import
*** BitcoinScript shell magics are Enabled. Enter `%Shelp` for more details. ***

### Compose the output script: given an input, hash it, push the expected hash, and compare.
### The scripts are printed after each addition. We could use `Sechooff` to supress echoing.

> OP_HASH256
 InScript  : []
*OutScript : [OP_HASH256]

> Spushdata 0xc0b057f584795eff8b06d5e420e71d747587d20de836f501921fd1b5741f1283
 InScript  : []
*OutScript : [OP_HASH256 c0b057f5...741f1283]

 InScript  : []
*OutScript : [OP_HASH256 c0b057f5...741f1283 OP_EQUAL]

### We get an error if we run the script without providing an input.

> Sverify
*ERROR* [MissingOpArgumentsError] EvalScript: missing arguments for OP_HASH256; need 1 items, but only 0 on stack

### Add an input. Maybe the answer is 2?

> Sinscript
INSCRIPT is now active

> OP_2
*InScript  : [2]
 OutScript : [OP_HASH256 c0b057f5...741f1283 OP_EQUAL]

> Sverify
*ERROR* [VerifyScriptError] scriptPubKey returned false

### Try another input. Maybe the answer is 0xff?

> Sclear
*InScript  : []
 OutScript : [OP_HASH256 c0b057f5...741f1283 OP_EQUAL]

> Spushdata 0xff
*InScript  : [ff]
 OutScript : [OP_HASH256 c0b057f5...741f1283 OP_EQUAL]

> Sverify

### YES!!